Time is Money

Marketing Automation

Time Is Money. How Are You Spending Yours?

It’s no secret that consumers want to feel appreciated and valued by the businesses they frequent, and that feeling may be easy to deliver while you’re running a small, local operation. However, because many business owners dream of scaling up, increasing the number of customers on their books, and ultimately making more money, that feeling can become much more difficult to deliver.

Enter marketing automation, one of the most useful time-saving tactics to have come of AI technology. Whatever you want to achieve in your business, automation strategies can give you more space to focus on just that without severing your hard-won relationships with current customers. Here’s how to make it happen.

Identify Sources of Time Wastage

Before you can do any meaningful work in your business, you may need to automate (or even eliminate) some of your most time-consuming tasks, particularly those which deliver relatively low returns. Email campaigns, social media posts, and data entry processes are commonly automated, as are many touchpoint communications with existing and potential customers, allowing you to personalise their experience without adding to your packed to-do list. Our team can identify your most repetitive marketing-related tasks and put the right automated processes in place to help you make the most of your time.

Define Your Ideal Outcome

No matter where you want to end up, it’s difficult to get there without a set of well-defined objectives. If you haven’t given much thought recently to your first priority as a business owner. It’s time to plant the goal posts and start making a plan to get there. For example, your end goal might be to boost sales, but before you can make that happen you may need to focus on increasing online interaction with potential customers and creating more leads. The Relevate team can assist you throughout this process, from the initial goal-setting phase to the creation and execution of an action plan, and tailor our systems and software to assist you in securing your ideal outcome. All you need to do is set your sights.

Evaluate the Results

There’s little joy in conducting extensive research and stringing together a quality marketing campaign only to find that the results are not what you were hoping for, which is why you must be tuned in to the results, real and ideal. After optimising your processes, defining your ideal outcome, and tracking the output, you’ll have plenty of game-changing data with which to tweak and tuck your campaign. The trouble is that it can be hard to know what and where to measure, let along how to improve the results. Relevate can assist you not only in the evaluation of your marketing efforts, but also in an advisory capacity as you make adjustments or build new campaigns.

Simply put, the right marketing automation strategy can make an incredible difference to the operational capacity of your business. At Relevate, we’re excited by the prospect of making a real difference to your marketing strategy, and we’d love to answer any questions you might have.

Forms help you to capture information when the client is available, it can then automatically go into your CRM and commence another workflow.

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