How the Relevate Guided Implementation Program Ensured a Hassle-Free Experience for Cyber Security Company

Australian firm SECMON1 offers cyber protection. It helps clients find and avoid threats like data leaks, IP theft, and fraud. A smarter, tailored CRM system helped cyber protection company SECMON1. It improved their marketing and gave them a competitive edge.


When people hear of data breaches, most think of a distant, faceless hacker. But, in most cases, the greater risk is within the company. 

How can companies protect against internal and external threats? That’s where SECMON1 comes to the rescue! SECMON1 provides expert cyber protection for businesses and their clients.

“Most data leaks, whether accidental or malicious, are by insiders. “SECMON1 helps organisations reduce insider risks,” says Director Christopher McNaughton, a former detective. SECMON1 helps clients minimise or avoid digital risks. It offers top data protection, monitoring, and analytics. These services are tailored to the needs of a company.

Combatting cyber threats with SECMON1

In 2017, McNaughton and his two partners, David Graham and Nicholas Gontscharow, founded SECMON1. They saw a gap in the market for custom cyber security for businesses. SECMON1 offers custom solutions for cyber security issues, including data breaches, risk, IP theft, and fraud.

Like many growing businesses, SECMON1’s manual CRM system became too inefficient. “It was almost impossible to communicate everything we wanted,” McNaughton explains. “Our CRM was a big issue. It was not adequate at all.” 

Enter Relevate which provided crucial help to the SECMON1 team.

They streamlined their CRM with a Zoho One guided implementation program. “That went really well!” McNaughton exclaims. “It gave us two things right away. It lets us schedule posts and be present on LinkedIn, our main social media site.  And the second space that it has helped us is our communications on demand.” 

Relevate has helped the SECMON1 team use Zoho One to automate certain aspects of their CRM. “It’s been fantastic for our presence on social media,” says McNaughton, “It’s from the dark and into the light!”

Taking control with a Zoho One guided implementation program

Relevate tailored the program for SECMON1 and guided the SECMON1 team through a Zoho One implementation program. 

The guided program helps clients use Zoho One for their business. It also helps them during the set-up process. “When we got the end of the program to a large degree, we were in production and everything was firing,” says McNaughton.

McNaughton is effusive about Relevate’s guided program: “It’s a game changer. It has significantly changed our business. It has streamlined and automated very manual things. When things are manual, they are the first to stop when you get busy.””

What’s the Future for SECMON1?

SECMON1 is refining its target audience to improve marketing outcomes. They want to be top of mind for potential new clients. “Now we’ve migrated everything to Zoho One, a much more intelligent platform. It helps us know our customers. It tells us when and how often to communicate with them. It also links directly to email campaigns.”

How can you improve your CRM?

SECMON1 has improved its CRM and efficiency with Relevate’s Zoho One, using Relevate’s guided implementation process. Could your business enjoy a better digital strategy, system, or software? 

If your growing business lacks scalable processes, contact Relevate’s experts. We can help you set up efficient, sustainable systems.

They will optimise your business’s daily operations and improve your CRM. Relevate’s experts will create a growth plan for your business, and their strategies will deliver results faster.