Case Study: Incremental Digital Transformation for Quarrico

Quarrico, a major quarry and earthworks company, faced significant challenges with their existing Zoho implementation. Although they had developed several applications within the Zoho Creator platform, the system suffered from connectivity issues, limited data usefulness, and reports that did not fully meet their needs. This case study explores how Quarrico partnered with Relevate to transform their digital operations, leading to substantial improvements in efficiency and business insights.


Quarrico’s initial Zoho setup, while functional, struggled to connect different parts of their business effectively. Key challenges included:

  • Data Connectivity: The existing system did not seamlessly integrate with other platforms, leading to data silos that hampered effective decision-making.
  • Complex Reporting: Generating meaningful reports was a time-consuming process, often taking up to three weeks to produce manual dashboards that were difficult to interpret.
  • User Experience: The system was not user-friendly, particularly for non-technical staff who needed a simple way to log time and manage tasks. Supervisors and management also required high-level reports to guide business decisions, which the existing setup did not adequately provide.

The Solution: Tailored Digital Transformation

Relevate, in collaboration with Quarrico, embarked on a digital transformation journey. The approach focused on simplifying and optimizing their Zoho platform, ensuring it could better serve the needs of both technical and non-technical users.

  • Identifying Key Drivers: By working closely with Quarrico’s non-technical team, we identified the key pieces of information that would drive their business forward, such as production rates and timesheet completion. This allowed us to tailor the system to better support these critical areas.
  • Streamlined Data Flow: We integrated the time tracking system with their accounting platform, automating the movement of data for payroll purposes. This provided Quarrico with a comprehensive view of their business, enabling them to generate new insights and reports that were previously unavailable.
  • Automated Reporting: We transformed the dashboard process from a cumbersome three-week manual exercise into an automated, one-click solution. This not only saved time but also provided management with timely, actionable insights.
  • Simplified User Interface: The application was simplified to its bare essentials, ensuring that even the least technical users could log time and manage tasks with ease. This improvement extended to supervisor users, who could now perform tasks on behalf of non-technical staff, and to management, who received high-level reports tailored to their needs.


The ongoing digital transformation has yielded significant benefits for Quarrico:

  • Continuous Improvement: Since the initial project, we have continued to work with Quarrico on a monthly basis, reviewing processes, incorporating user feedback, and implementing new features as part of their overarching digital plan.
  • Incremental Gains: By focusing on small, manageable changes rather than attempting a major overhaul, Quarrico has experienced almost immediate gains. Each improvement—whether in speed, efficiency, or accuracy—compounds over time, driving continuous progress.
  • Reduced Risk: This approach has allowed Quarrico to achieve big business outcomes on a small business budget, minimizing the risks associated with large-scale digital transformation projects.


Quarrico’s journey with digital transformation highlights the power of a thoughtful, incremental approach. By working closely with Relevate, they have been able to enhance their business operations, reduce inefficiencies, and drive growth without the risks and disruptions that can accompany major projects.

If your organization is looking to achieve similar results through digital transformation, get in touch with us to learn how we can help you take the next step forward.