From a Database Mess to a Well-Oiled Customer Enhancing Machine

Does your business maintain a thorough record of customer interactions? Could you save time and money by implementing a more efficient software system? A good, growth-focused CRM can replace old, slow systems. 

These are often spreadsheets, databases, or apps that collect customer data. Here’s how Relevate transformed PGV Consulting’s CRM. They used custom software, strategies, and tools to optimise their business database.

magine this…

You’re groaning under the weight of a database of 8,500 people and unsure how to manage it.  You KNOW it’s affecting productivity but you’re confused about the best options.

Worse, you’re not comfortable with technology.  The mere thought of it makes you break out into a cold sweat.

That’s how it was for Paul Kennedy the founder of  PGV Consulting.  Based in Brisbane, Australia, it specialises in strategic planning and business development. It helps clients coordinate tactical business relationships. It also offers business planning, development, mentoring, and coaching services. 

One of Paul’s services is to facilitate strategic introductions to connect clients with beneficial companies and individuals. “There’s a lot of emphasis on who their ideal clients are,” Paul said. “Accountants, lawyers, tradies, etc. Their location and business size also matter.”

Paul’s clients love his 8,500 contacts. But, managing them needs a streamlined approach. 

Exit Excel Spreadsheets, Enter the Relevate CRM Solution

Paul updates PGV Consulting’s detailed contact list at regular intervals. Paul tracks beyond basic contact info, like phone numbers and emails. For example, if he’s connected to a contact on LinkedIn and endorsed their skills, that information will be recorded. 

He also notes any other interactions he had with each contact. Paul also stores other specific details in the database. They include the client’s priority level, occupation, industry, specialty areas, and location.

Other important information is also recorded.  For example: 

  • Outstanding action items or follow-ups.
  • Whether the contact consented to receive emails from PGV Consulting.
  • The client’s priority level.

Too Much Data to Manage – What’s the Alternative?

With that in mind, Paul found Excel a burden for managing the info. He realised he needed a fast, accurate, and professional CRM for PGV Consulting.

Although he is an accountant by training Paul is the first to admit that he’s not a tech person. He knew he needed a CRM. He wanted to work with someone who could simplify the process and avoid jargon.   

Relevate and Zoho provided timely help.

Avon Collis, a director at Relevate, is a CRM and marketing automation expert. He helps business owners like Paul optimise their time. He uses specialised systems and software to organise data and improve CRM. “Avon looked at my templates and tidied them up,” Paul said.

“There was just so much stuff there that wasn’t adding any real value. He also said to move some old, less important data to the background. The records are now much cleaner and more relevant to my business. I didn’t even know I could do that!”

These new methods give PGV Consulting a reliable, accurate database. They also save Paul time, letting him focus on other parts of his business. Paul uses a virtual assistant to manage, update and refine his CRM database.

“If we send out emails and they bounce, we get a report. And if [I’m connected to the contact] on LinkedIn, I then ask my VA to send them a LinkedIn message. If we’re not connected on LinkedIn, I’ll email them. I’ll ask for their new work email so my VA can update my CRM. We’re constantly sweeping and cleansing my database using Zoho CRM and keeping it as up-to-date as possible.”

Problem Solved – Useful Data at Paul’s Fingertips, Without the Hassle

Relevate helped PGV Consulting transform its CRM setup. With Zoho and Relevate, they use custom tools to optimise the PGV database.

PGV Consulting possesses a database that is easy to use and stable. It is efficient and accurate. It can support a growing client base as the business expands. 

Relevate will continue to work with Paul to optimise his CRM system. They will update his email templates and streamline his digital processes. This will help his business grow with tailored software and systems.

Grinding it Out With Antiquated Manual Systems….

Not the Way to Manage a Business in the Modern Era.

Could your business enjoy a better digital strategy, systems, or software? Do you have scalable business processes in place to accommodate your growing business? A better way will help you run your business and improve customer experience. It must be efficient, sustainable, and systematic.

The Relevate team can recommend the best software for your business. We can help you install CRM and marketing automation systems. They will create a welcoming interface for your customers. We tailor our strategies to fit your business. We can help you build a growth plan to see results sooner.